LMS Configuration
Why does the LMS market still include more than 200 products? Surely because each organization is unique. Its structure, its methods and its needs are unique, leading to specific learning and management processes. And these specificities also exist inside the organization organization itself, within the subsidiaries and departments. This is a reality that vendors have to consider at a time when organizations tend to unify their management processes.
Configurability is at the core of our product leaders’ concerns. When a same software is used by several thousand users, it is fundamental that it could be configured at any levels. So we propose configuration features for all levels of application: processes, customized fields, reports, interfaces, etc. —–Matthieu Durif, Cornerstone OnDemand Regarding the e-learning structuration and organization, Syfadis Suite offers a better consideration of the companies organizational dimension, benefiting even the most complex and decentralized ones. (…) Thanks to this organizational flexibility, the companies shall not only be able to easily create dedicated training universes, customized per entity, subsidiary or business unit… but also to train external populations such as their customers, partners, suppliers, franchisees, etc. —–Pierre Berthou, Syfadis Its ergonomy and usability are regularly praised by our users, but its major asset lies in its configuration flexibility. It allows a very strong adaptability to the configurations of our customers which are admittedly very varied. —–Jérôme Bruet, e-DoceoSoftware architectures
When the LMS configuration functions are no longer sufficient, a deeper customization is necessary, which is made easier when the editors have opted for a flexible software architecture.
We have re-written our applications (WBT, Quiz Manager, Competency) to rest, from now on, on a common basis and thus to federate our services. Moreover, with so many available web services, our applications are growingly moving towards an SOA architecture to get integrated into our customers’ IS. —–Pierre-Henry Amalric, XPERTeam Knowledge Place is built from an SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) architecture based on reusable components and Web services. Thanks to this architecture, each organization can use the components and Web services set at its disposal to develop very easily the specific functionalities that it needs (…). —–Eric Malalel, Lynx Online Learning systems do not exist in a siloed environment. They must interface with other solutions. At SumTotal we have continued to push for a more OEM approach to our software so that components of our application can be extracted and embedded in other applications, as and when required. —–Erik Finch, SumTotal OnlineManager has been the first French LMS. From the start, it has offered a multi-level, multi-lingual, multi-profile management and has integrated collaborative work environments. It could already be interfaced with HRIS software or LDAP directories. These functionalities can still be found in most LMSs today. (…) As an example, nowadays there is much talk about « webservices », what we already offered by 2005. —–Michèle Guerrin, OnlineFormaproSpecialization vs Globalization
Next to the LMS market leaders who maintain a global dimension, geographically as well as functionally speaking, some vendors opt for specialization. They target niche markets and limit their functional scope in order to keep their product simple and adapted to their customers.
UpsideLMS has been designed and packaged especially for organizations which do not need all the features as that required by large organizations. It can be customized based on the company’s workflows, structure, and requirements. —–Amit Gautam, Upside Learning We are also the only French actor to exclusively focus on e-learning. We are not a Talent Management suite. Our LMS is the result of Epistema and CrossKnowledge group 10-year experience as regards to distance learning. —–Vincent Desnot, EpistemaShortcuts: Introduction | SaaS | Open Source | Content Management | Talent Management | Adaptability | Accessibility| Individualization | Socialization | Special Thanks